SFA: What's the Answer?
Personal Wear-and-Tear
Bailey Granite Works
I always lift with my legs like I’ve been told. So far no back issues.Five years ago I ruptured a ligament in my right wrist. Two surgeries and six months off. Now my left is ruptured. I know it’s from the 20+ years I’ve put into this industry.
Has anyone else had problems with their ligaments? As I’m growing older and (hopefully) wiser, I’m trying to avoid deadlifting at all costs. Those new to the industry know that repeatedly lifting large pieces will catch up to you one way or another. Use pulley systems, rolling carts and lifts whenever possible or you’re gonna end up with little T-Rex arms like me. Be good to your bodies or they won’t be good to you!
Mike Lindsey
Two ruptured discs in lower back. Had to have major back surgery. And two knee surgeries!
Bailey Granite Works
Sucks brother, hang in there.
Justin Mason
I came up with these for holding the part in place but have not figured out a way to lift them off the cnc yet.
Bailey Granite Works
Maybe make another attachment for two vacuum pods that connect and have a hinge on each side with a hook in the middle where you can attach a pulley to stand pieces up 🤷🏻
Steven Brandt
Check out this book. https://a.co/d/dR3K1TT
Much of our problems are not from hard work, but for poor nutrition or lack of self-care of muscles and ligaments. This will give some different exercises that will help 🙂
Bailey Granite Works
We use a rolling gantry engine lift with a chain pulley attached to a gravity clamp to get pieces off the bridge saw. The poor man’s version of an overhead crane
Lance D WhiteHorse
Hardly anybody in this industry works out and lifts weights, I don’t understand why. Keep yourself strong and prevent injuries.
Justin Shaw
This is true.
Jeff Courtright
Sorry for all your injuries Brother. Hang in there.
Bailey Granite Works
Oh I’m good, not looking for sympathy. The left is not completely ruptured and I will keep it splinted until I someday have the time to get it repaired. Thanks for the well-wishes.
Jeff Courtright
We had a similar injury at our place. First question the doc asked was “Are you a smoker? “
Bailey Granite Works
Jeff Courtright, 😬
Joe Holland
I had two herniated discs for 10 years. Finally had a discectomy/laminectomy on L4 L5 S1 four years ago and was the best decision of my life
Steven Tisby
You speak truth my dude. Elbows, wrists, knees and lower back are shot. Utilizing the tools may take five extra min but it will save decades on your body ... 16-year vet.
Vu Ly
Unfortunately, our industry is very dangerous and labor-intensive. Yet, people will bargain the hell out of you but when it comes to buying a $10k appliance they won’t even bat an eye. I wish you the best and a fast recovery.
Gerardo Jimenez
Get well soon brother. You speak the truth.
Billy Roberts
We use an Omni Cubed Pro-Lift and pick up very little.
Bailey Granite Works
I need one. Those run about $5k?
Billy Roberts
Yeah they do. We have had ours for about two years and still love it,
Tomas Preralta
Works the best, I love this one.
Michael Allen
I had to retire from stone to avoid this and my hands won’t fully open. I only did it for nine years!
Gerardo Jimenez
I'm a second-generation stone worker. I saw my dad's career end with three herniated discs. Thank God I was gifted with a small and yet strong body. And yet, I made it my life goal to last a very long time in this industry. I'm 48 now and have been doing this for more than 25 years. I see people laughing at others because they're trying to minimize the chances of injury. I've had stupid ideas that didn't work but others that I'm still using and work. Don't be afraid to try things to help reduce the risk of injury. God bless you all.
Ernest Grimaldo
I recommend taking some kind of steroids if you’re staying in the industry. It takes a toll on the natural body.
Alex Erd
I've been feeling it drastically the last two years. I've been installing for 27 years; I think it's caught up to me. Especially in my lower back, it's hard to get going in the morning. I also did tile for many years and I'm starting to get carpal tunnel in my hands I can't grip anything for long. I wish I knew what to do when I was younger to prevent these things. But, man, you’re going thru it. Best of luck.
Bailey Granite Works
I’m actually doing alright at this point as long as I wear my brace and the one I had surgery on is good most days. Sorry to hear about your injuries. I’m lucky to still have a good back. Lower back pain is the worst bro. I feel for you there. Sounds like we all need to take better care of ourselves. Hoping the best for you as well my friend
Conall McCullagh
After 18 years I’m learning to let the newer guys do the heavy lifting. It’s scary as shit but they gotta learn. So far I’ve had good luck I guess. No major issues … yet! Rock dog for life!
Cristian Vásquez Medina
I'm sorry for what happened to you and I hope you recover soon and thanks for the advice you give us.
Steven Shessler
Yes I have been in the game over 30 years and have an hernia bad back discs. It does take its toll on us over the years
José Rodriguez
That’s exactly why I moved to Puerto Rico … all I lift is ¾.
Todd Lefebvre
Hey not to throw another log on the fire but protect your ears guys! I'm 20 years in stone business and never wore protection for a quick cut or two. Now I have 24-hour-a-day misery ... ears are shot. Be careful everybody.
Bailey Granite Works
Todd Lefebvre
Bailey Granite Works
Good advice, my hearing isn’t what it used to be either.
Tomas Preralta
I recommend the use any lifting machine or get help. Don’t be stupid and lift heavy stone by yourself. Stay safe always. God bless you guys.
Sryan SmcSmasters
Lol. At one point I had to use a stick to put my pants on in the morning. Wrists, knees, ankles, shoulders ... all shot.
Wyatt D. Valora
I haven't had that, but developed ganglion cysts in each wrist. Twenty years of lifting is hard on our bodies.
Shanon Gregory
Add a magnesium supplement to your daily diet.
Sean Moyer
Use clamps and pivot points. I never lifted my island all the way. I would even go as far as sliding it down the tailgate to my dolly so I only ever lifted one end. Then lift straight up with your clamps and let the weight of the island flip it for you when putting it on the cabs. You have to be innovative. Forget those four-wheel big-ass dollys too; just the small aluminum on one end and the big two-wheel yellow dolly strapped to the middle so you have your pivot point to turn.