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BBM’s Paladin CNC Breathes New Life into a Growing Fabrication Industry

By Peter Marcucci
By the time you read this, BBM (Better Built Machines) will be celebrating its ten-year anniversary. The company was originally formed to refurbish all brands of CNC machines that had aged out of their usefulness. With each machine they updated, the company’s technicians were able to evaluate and make note of any and all problems that had developed during their working life. When compiled, this working knowledge would eventually help BBM to develop better and tougher production standards, bulletproof mechanical systems and efficient software, all in a simpler, easier-to-maintain CNC package, recalled BBM Founder and President Bryan Johnson. “We were seeing the design flaws that we were repairing, over and over, a nd realized that if we took that knowledge from refurbishing, a better machine could be built, and we started designing our own CNC.” BBM is not an old company and, conversely, not the new kid on the block either, especially when considering that Johnson spent nine years as a technician, installer and trainer with a major stone-machine manufacturer, and then eleven years on his own. What is the new kid on the block, however, is BBM’s Paladin CNC– A super cool, state-of-the-art machine with a slew of features that any fab shop will wrap their arms around and adore for decades.
Johnson recalled, “There were many failure points on the machines that we’ve worked on over the years, and we’ve seen these same points sit stagnant for the last seven years. I don’t know if these big OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) simply refused to fix these problems or were just comfortable with the products that they sold, but because we refurbished so many CNCs, we knew that if the machine had so many hours on it and it was ten years old, we could predict every point of failure it would eventually have.”

Features and Benefits of the Paladin During assembly, every Paladin monobloc frame is constructed using half-inch steel. It is then put through a process called, “White Blast,” where all mill scale and impurities are removed from the metal. A heavy zinc-based primer is then applied and left to dry. The next step is where a second, sealing primer is applied over the zinc in preparation for a final coat of a smooth, high gloss marine grade epoxy, adding a touch of pizzazz to each unit. As for components used, many are upsized from standard sizes used by other manufacturers, adding massive durability to the Paladin. BBM also took the time to protect these components with easily removable covers, as well as a self-lubricating feature in all friction areas, such as the spindle and bridge. Another notably cool feature is that every bearing everywhere is the same size: 45mm. Gone are the days that different sized bearings sit on the shelf waiting to be used. “It’s one-size-fits-all on the Paladin,” said Johnson, adding that as of December 2022, BBM began producing their own spindles.

Gino Scolari (l), owner of Scolari Marble & Granite, and Gino Scolari Jr. proudly poses with the shop's first-ever CNC stone router, as itmakes the transition from hand fabrication to automation with the PALADIN.(Photo courtesy Better Built Machines)
“We are the only manufacturer in America that makes its own spindles," he said. "Originally, we were importing them from Italy, but decided to build them in-house to cut down lead times, control costs, improve quality and implement our design changes that needed to happen. "Spindle issues are very predominant in the stone industry. You’re cutting very solid materials and crashes happen. Our spindles are an upscale design with large bearings, and have a very unique pressurization system that keeps contamination out, allowing the spindle to last longer. To the fabricator, this means longer run time and less replacement costs."
Read more in the September 2023 issue of the Slippery Rock Gazette.
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The Rockheads Group: Moving Fabrication Forward
by Peter Marcucci
IN 2014, shop owners Jon Kaplan, Nick Began, Paul Menninger and Eric Tryon shared after-hours drinks during a Cosentino Global S.L.U. conference. They touched on a variety of business-related subjects, eventually admitting that even though they were successful, if they had known each other in the beginning, things would have been much easier. When the conference was over, the four men went back to their companies slightly changed from talking shop. The wheels in their heads were turning, and brilliant ideas were forming, and just weeks later, while tossing the ideas back and forth, an aha moment was realized by the four, and Rockheads was formed. So, what was this initial Rockheads group all about, you’re wondering? Well, I wondered too, and after a wee bit of research, I asked Executive Director Rich Katzman, “What’s up with Rockheads?” Katzman came to Rockheads with many years of construction and home-improvement experience as well as a five-year stint as president of Laser Products Industries. He recalled, “The original and current owners of Rockheads started the group as a way for shop owners to network. For the first five years it was small and exclusive, and nearly 100% focused on information sharing. "The 30-or-so member group was broken up into exclusive territories, so that information could be freely shared by like-minded owners without fear of giving away secrets to a close competitor.

Rockheads members immersed in the wonders of innovation: Exploring the T-Rex machine by Poseidon Industries during an enriching visit to Star Lumber during the Oklahoma City Summer event (Photo courtesy Rockheads Group)
"Our feeling was simple: why would a shop owner in Florida, mindshare information with someone in Pennsylvania? This concept made everyone much more open to sharing their ‘secret sauce.’” A Purchasing Powerhouse During its first 5 years, as Rockheads membership grew, vendors and equipment manufacturers were chomping at the bit to get on board.
Companies like BACA, Laser Products Industries, BB Industries, and Park Industries to name a few, saw great opportunity in selling to a select audience, while the Rockheads saw an even greater opportunity for its members to save big bucks. Currently, Rockheads has 110 members with combined yearly revenues totaling a whopping $1.5 billion, said Katzman, adding, “The organization is set up, so that I can go to a large or small vendor in the industry, and even outside the industry, and say, ‘Look, here’s how we can give you access to one and a half billion dollars’ worth of buying power. I can give you this, but in exchange, you need to offer our members an exclusive purchasing program.’" Advanced Best Practices, Networking, Benchmarking Programs All Rockheads companies are at different stages of their life, and it’s Katzman’s job to pair them with shops that can use each other’s acquired wisdoms. “I’ll get a call from a member shop that is doing $10 million per year in revenue, but can’t figure out how to make the leap to $20 million. We’ve got 30 Rockheads members who have already made that leap, so I’ll put that smaller company in touch with a larger one that I think is appropriate, and they can talk to each other, discuss the successes and mistakes they’ve made in the past, and help get them over that hump. "We have so many members, at so many different levels, that networking help for any member is available.”
Read more in the October 2023 issue of the Slippery Rock Gazette.
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The Power of Sales Follow-Up
by Ed Young Fabricators Coach
We often think of good salespeople as those people who have charisma, great product knowledge, and the ability to hold a conversation with a fence post. These are all great traits, but they mean little without consistent structured follow-up. If you don’t follow up quickly on an inquiry from your Facebook ad, your sparkling charisma won’t improve your odds of making contact with that prospect. If you don’t follow up on the quotes you send out, your vast product knowledge won’t improve your conversion rate. While following up on leads and quotes is critical, consistency and structure for those follow-ups are the essential keys to successfully increasing sales. The Importance of Following-Up Here are statistics from various sources on sales follow-up: Only 2% of sales are made during the first contact. 80% of sales require at least 5 follow ups. Fully 45% of salespeople give up after just 1 follow up attempt. Only 8% of salespeople follow up more than 5 times.

Based on those stats, simply increasing the number of follow up attempts could greatly increase your overall sales. This begs the question: If your sales are dropping, do you need more sales leads or do you just need to follow up more frequently? The Impact of Time Here are some additional stats that show the impact of time on follow ups: If contact is made in first 5 minutes of receiving a lead, you are 10 to 20 times more likely to make contact. After 5 mins, the odds of connecting drop 80%. 30%-50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first. Mobile devices drive 45% of all leads.
The takeaway here is timing is everything. If you are struggling to make contact when you get a lead, the solution may be improving the speed of your response. The quicker you respond to a lead, the higher your probability of making contact. The Financial Impact Let’s quantify the sales impact from following this advice. For our analysis let’s assume you are currently making contact with 10% of leads you receive, and you are quoting half of those. So, for every 100 leads, you make contact with 10 prospects, and you generate 5 quotes. If your conversion rate is 40% (converting quotes to orders), then those 100 leads generate 2 orders. If your average order is $10,000 then that’s $20,000 in new revenue. Let’s assume you are currently taking 30 minutes, an hour, or longer to follow-up on new leads. If you convert to a system where you follow-up within 5 minutes of receiving the lead, then those 100 leads could become 40 contacts which generate 20 quotes, leading to 8 orders. That’s $80,000 in revenue from those 100 leads. Just changing to a quick less-than-5-minute follow up can increase revenue.
Read more in the Octobet 2023 issue of the Slippery Rock Gazette.
Industry News: BB Industries Honored as a 2023 Top Workplace
BB Industries, one of the stone industry’s leading fabrication suppliers and distributors received a Top Workplaces 2023 award from the Knox News (Knoxville News Sentinel), matching its performance in 2021 and 2022. The award is based solely on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey administered by employee engagement technology partner Energage LLC. “This award helps us gel even more as an organization and everyone who works here should be proud that they contribute to such a special atmosphere,” said Rick Stimac, BB Industries CEO/president. “We know that translates to our valued customers and vendor partners and makes us one of the best in the industry.” The anonymous survey by Energage measures 15 culture drivers that are critical to the success of any organization: including alignment, execution, and connection. “Companies need to authentically represent their brand to job-seekers,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “The employee experience needs to be on the mission-critical list. Leaders who embrace a people-first culture will benefit greatly. “By giving employees a voice and showcasing your authentic culture through employer branding, organizations can attract those job seekers who complement their culture. Culture drives performance.”

“Over the past year we have added additional locations and personnel to give our customers the highest level of service, and the fastest delivery times in the industry, nationwide,” said Stimac. We have earned our reputation as a great to place to work in the industry, and that helps BBI to continue to experience company and employee growth.”
BBI Customer Rep Ken Brock also commented, “I’ve been here 21 years, and this is honestly the best job I’ve ever had. The people here genuinely care about our customers, and form long-term relationships with them based on trust. And the guys I work with – We care about each other, here.” "Many companies often state that they are building relationships with their customers,” said Karen Hamilton, BB Industries human resources manager. “I believe the difference for BBI is that we build relationships with our employees first. We know that without our employees, their dedication, their time, and commitment we certainly would not be where we are today. “Our employees are the difference in making BB Industries successful. We know that, appreciate that, and do our best to show it. We genuinely care about one another. We do not just say it, we mean it.” Since its beginning in 1994, BBI’s philosophy has been to offer the best customer service, the best value, and the highest-quality tools available for the stone industry. This is accomplished by delivering exceptional products and first-class service to our partners in the stone, tile, and restoration industries. For more info, visit BBIndustriesLLC.com and https://www.facebook.com/BBIndustriesLLC.USA .
Also featured in the September 2023 issue of the Slippery Rock Gazette
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Editor’s Note
By Larry Hood, Editor, Slippery Rock Gazette
For long-time readers of the Slippery Rock, and all our new friends who’ve discovered us recently – thanks for following us. I’ve helped guide the Slippery Rock for 25 years, and a serious health scare this summer helped me realize how big a part of my life the Slippery Rock has been. I’ve been told the SRG has had a big impact on the industry, too. I’m very grateful to all our contributors who have made the Slippery Rock consistently, month after month, year after year, one of the best sources of information on stone fabrication available to stone fabricators and shop owners, alike.
If you haven’t explored our online archive, with some 15+ years of issues and articles, you’re missing an opportunity to learn from the most experienced pros to have worked in the stone industry. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the support I’ve received over the past 2 months.

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