First-Half 2023 U.S. Hard-Surface Imports
The post-COVID boom is definitely over as nearly every sector trails mid-2022 in value and volume. It's still better than before the pandemic.

Silicosis: An Industry Response
The Natural Stone Institute began working with California regulators long before this summer's headlines. What now?

Vol. 7, No. 1
Stone Update Magazine is published six times annually and is available through the Internet at © 2023 Word Mechanics
The opinions expressed by writers within the magazine, along with the materials and statements of advertisers, are theirs and do not express the views and operations of Stone Update Magazine. (This is classic lawyerspeak for making people and companies take responsibility for what they say in case something bad happens, so forewarned is forearmed.)
The management of Stone Update Magazine reserves the right to refuse any advertising or editorial submissions. (The lawyers sleep better if we say that, too.)
In the industry, the gang isn't what it used to be. In sawing, that is.
News Highlights
Polycor Group finishes its acquisition of ROCAMAT. Also, Park Industries celebrates its 70th, and Caesarstone is hig with large second-quarter losses.
Hard-Surface Cinema
Natural stone enters the realty-TV realm with a look at Henraux's quarries and factory.
Arpi on Tile
Cersaie is imminent in Bologna, Italy, and Arpi Nalbandian is ready with a show preview.
'Round the Clock
Jason Nottestad knows what it's like to work all day and all of the night. Occasionally, his workers were armed with more than their wits.
SFA: What's the Answer?
The Stone Fabricators Alliance looks at the pros and cons of seams at the sink, plus some ideas on water priorities and tracking down a wayward CNC laser.
Product Talk
Our regular guide to goods and services for the hard-surfaces industry.
Stone Update Magazine offers audio versions of selected articles on one easy-to-access page.
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ON THE COVER: Photo by Timlab on Unsplash.