The Stone Equipment and Supply Alliance (SESA), in partnership with the International Surface Fabricators Association (ISFA), is sponsoring the new “Manufactured Surfaces Pavilion” at Stonexpo. This pavilion will welcome exhibitors of all manufactured materials including quartz, large-format porcelain, and other man-made or engineered products.
It has been long-known in the industry that fabricators take a big role in determining the type and brand of material which consumers, builders, and commercial accounts choose for their building projects. Manufactured surfacing companies are realizing this important dynamic and want the opportunity to educate fabricators about and to choose their products.
In the past, Stonexpo has had little representation of these products that now make up the largest product category used by fabricators. With this pavilion, Stonexpo is making this show the most-comprehensive source for fabricators to learn more about all surfacing options.
“SESA is leading the effort to bring manufacturers of all surfaces that fabricators work with on a daily basis to Stonexpo," SESA president Mike Schlough of Park Industries said, "to make this show the best place for fabricators to learn about these materials and their associated fabrication techniques as well as seeing industry leading machinery and technology.”