
Quartz Surfaces 2022
Arguably the biggest winner in the post-pandemic boom of hard surfaces, quartz surfaces still face plenty of challenges -- including a growing man-made competitor.

Fabricator Focus
It's the digital production that sets the pace at, but it's still the quick service that makes the sale.

Are You Ready for the Post-Boom Times?
This isn't the crash-and-burn of the Great Recession, but some fabricators are keeping an eye on the economy ... and making plans.

Tucker Design Awards
The noted biennial contest showcases the best architectursal uses of natural stone worldwide.

Coverings Installation and Design Awards
The annual honors from the Coverings event celebrates exemplary uses of stone and tile -- along with the work to install them.

Vol. 6, No. 1
Stone Update Magazine is published six times annually and is available through the Internet at © 2022 Word Mechanics
The opinions expressed by writers within the magazine, along with the materials and statements of advertisers, are theirs and do not express the views and operations of Stone Update Magazine. (This is classic lawyerspeak for making people and companies take responsibility for what they say in case something bad happens, so forewarned is forearmed.)
The management of Stone Update Magazine reserves the right to refuse any advertising or editorial submissions. (The lawyers sleep better if we say that, too.)

Halfway through 2022, hard-surface import numbers look good. Or do they?

The strong U.S. dollar makes for cheaper imports and lower shipping costs, but it also keeps one number going up ... and up.

News Highlights
An NKBA market study still calls for growth in 2022, albeit slower than first predicted. Also, Florim gets a green award for a Tennessee factory.

On to Bologna
Arpi Nalbandian takes a look at the big tile event in Italy this fall, and how it foreshadows the U.S. market.

The Never-Ending Factory Outing
Jason Nottestad begins sharing his travels in the trade with an early tour of China and a quartz-surfaces factory that's seemingly everyone's favorite.

The Safe Shop
It only takes a little more pressure in the wrong place to inflate a major hazard.

SFA: What's the Answer?
The Stone Fabricators Alliance advises on how to go from shop manager to shop owner. Also, what to do with quartzite that never seems to dry?

ProductPLUS: TAB Quartz
Calacatta Enzo, with with a milky white background adorned with striking natural tributaries-like veins.

ProductPLUS: Prodim Factory 5.0
The company brings together its Proliner on-site measuring system and the ability to add real-time photos of the job.

Product Talk
Our regular guide to goods and services for the hard-surfaces industry.

Stone Update Magazine offers audio versions of selected articles on one easy-to-access page.
The Directory
Find the solution you need for your business.
The when and where of events and education for the industry.
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Contact Us
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Stone Update Magazine
1775 E. Palm Canyon Dr.
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Palm Springs, CA 92264
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ON THE COVER: Grazzini Brothers & Co.'s interior and exterior installation of 18,000 ft² of Jura limestone at the Minneapolis Public Service Building in Minneapolis won the firm a Coverings Installation and Design Award. (Photo Mitchell Stier Photography / courtesy Coverings)