2022 Tucker Design Awards
Renewing the Allure of Natural Stone
2021 became a year of renewal worldwide, so maybe it’s fitting that the Pinnacle Awards – showcasing the best of natural stone – are topped by a restoration project. The work at Wyoming’s state capitol won the Grande Pinnacle, but all of the honorees in the Natural Stone Institute’s annual awards are best-in-class in showing the quality and craft of work with granite, marble and other quarried materials. The Pinnacle Awards are given to projects whose beauty, creativity, ingenuity, and craftsmanship exemplify professional mastery in the use of natural stone in commercial and residential applications. The competition is open to all institute members and the design community, and project teams must include at least one institute member.
A jury of industry professionals and design-community members reviewed each project based on excellence in implementation of design; quality craftsmanship; innovative solutions to unique challenges; and control of stone material, tone, and character quality.
Award sponsors are GranQuartz (residential), MAPEI (commercial), and Coldspring (Renovation/Restoration).
The Grande Pinnacle Award, saluting the best work among the winners, is sponsored by Marmomacc.
Entries for the 2022 Pinnacle Awards competition are being accepted until May 20. To learn more, go to https://www.naturalstoneinstitute.org/programs/awards/pinnacle-awards/
The judging panel for the 2022 Tucker Design Awards: Craig Copeland, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Pelli Clarke & Partner, New York; Roger Jackson, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP, FFKR Architects, Salt Lake City; Cathy Offenberg, IBI Group, Boston. Preceding page: Kol Rinah Synagogue photo by Sam Fentress / courtesy Natural Stone Institute
Andesite Ridge Retreat
Gallatin County, Mont.
Design Workshop Aspen, Colo. Landscape Architect
Stone Supplier Stone Curators (Institute member) Pipeline Quarry
Stone Installer Sandoval Masonry
Architect Pearson Design Group
Interior Designer Alexandra Karram
Stone Zen Gray granite Ankar Gray basalt Stone scree and boulders
Boulder House
Seoul, South Korea
Atelierjun Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Architect
Stone Supplier Alps Marmi Domo Graniti
Stone Installer Kiro Construction
Stone Alps Snow quartzite